Adult Programs

The Molly Brown House Museum offers a variety of educational programs for adults.

The museum offers a variety of programs for adults throughout the year. For Special Events, including our 1340 Penn After Hours, please be sure to check out our Events page. For information on our Speaker’s Bureau programs and our free adult programs, please click on one of the buttons below to learn more.

Speaker’s Bureau
Free Programs

Speaker’s Bureau

The Molly Brown House Museum offers a number of adult-oriented programs on the life and times of Margaret Brown. Our programs have traveled to book clubs, senior centers, women’s groups and much more! Programs are available both in-person and virtually.

Victorian Life
The Art of Victorian Dining
Put on your finest gown or tuxedo and take a step back in time to discuss the importance of dining in Victorian America. Entertaining at the turn of the century could make or break your social status. Enjoy learning about food, dining customs and table settings in this illustrated slide show.

A Day in the Life of a Victorian Woman
Life was different then…harder, tougher…Come with us to the turn of the 20th century for an intimate glimpse of women’s lives. Detailing all aspects of women’s lives–from marriage to the home and the most popular- the corset!

Victorian Game Day
Get ready for a preposterously good time! Come ready to participate in engaging activities of a bygone era with a historical look into leisure activities and games and try your hand at some Victorian parlor games.

Colorado History

Frontier Women We all hear the term “frontier” and immediately conjure up images from our favorite Westerns. In Westerns, bad guys wear black hats, prostitutes have hearts of gold, and all other women are “damsels in distress”. But is there any truth in these images?

Irish in Colorado How did the Irish help shape early Colorado’s history? Learn about the impact the Emerald Isle had on Colorado through some of its most famous inhabitants–Margaret and J.J. Brown, Baby Doe Tabor, and more.

Preserving Denver
Take a look into the past as we explore some of the buildings and stories that make Denver, Denver, including Historic Denver’s efforts to preserve structures around the city, starting with the Molly Brown House Museum.

Margaret Brown
Life and Times of Margaret “Molly” Brown
Trace Margaret Brown’s life from her early childhood in Hannibal, Missouri, to Leadville, Colorado, where she met and married J.J., and finally to her days of glory in Denver and New York.

Soldiers in Petticoats: From Seneca Falls to Rocking the Vote!
It’s hard to imagine a time when women didn’t have the right to vote, but it actually wasn’t that long ago. In 2020, the United States marked the centennial anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment which granted most women the right to vote. We’ll take a look at how Margaret was involved in it all!

The Sinking of the Titanic
It was a night to remember, and a night that no one who survived would ever forget. In this presentation, learn about how the Titanic sank in the early morning of April 15, 1912.

Victorian Holiday Traditions
Celebrating Christmas with the Browns
Explore Christmas traditions of early 1900s.

Victorian Halloween Traditions
An old holiday with fascinating customs, decorations and costumes.

Victorian Valentines
Learn about the origins, history and customs that surround this lovely holiday!

Programs within the Denver Metro area are $200 each (a surcharge may apply outside of this area). To book a Speaker’s Bureau program, please email or, to sign up, go to the following link fill: Reservation Form.

Free Programs

House Museum Book Club

Join the Molly Brown House Museum (MBHM) and the Center for Colorado Women’s History (CCWH), as we read and discuss books related to women’s history, colorado history, and books by women authors from Colorado!

Join us in person or online from 12:30-2:00 on:

February 2nd at the Molly Brown House Museum

Iron Women: The Ladies Who Helped Build the Railroad by Chris Enss

April 6th at the Center for Colorado Women’s History

Woman of Light by Kali Fajardo-Anstine

June 1st at Molly Brown House Museum

Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River by David Owen

August 3rd The Center for Colorado Women’s History

A variety of articles on Denver’s Chinatown and a field trip to the exhibit at History Colorado. Articles will be provided by us.

October 5th at the Molly Brown House Museum

Doc Susie: The True Story of a Country Physician in the Colorado Rockies by Virginia Cornell

December 7th at The Center for Colorado Women’s History

Stike! Mother Jones and the Colorado Coal Field War by Lois Ruby

For more information, call 303-620-4933 or email