Victorian Horrors: Death and Mourning in the Time of Seperate Spheres


It could be said that Victorians had a morbid fascination with death.  Historians have come to call this fascination the “cult of death”-which helped to define the period in which they lived for years to come. For Victorians, both in America and abroad, the home is not only a place to raise your family and [...]

Victorian Horrors: Death and Mourning in the Time of Seperate Spheres2017-11-24T18:06:51-07:00

Brains, Beauty and a dash of Self Confidence: How Margaret Helped Guide Me to the Woman I Became


I am for, all intents and purposes, a Colorado Native, which means I love near everything my state has to offer.  From hiking through our purple mountain majesties, to kayaking on some of our most precious and invaluable resources, and most importantly, the vast and colored history that only a state like Colorado could offer! [...]

Brains, Beauty and a dash of Self Confidence: How Margaret Helped Guide Me to the Woman I Became2017-11-24T18:08:04-07:00
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