Featured Exhibit

Then & Now:
Reflecting on the
1918 Pandemic

A Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design
student-created video exhibition for MBHM


This video exhibition explores parallels between the influenza pandemic of 1918, known as the Spanish Flu, and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Students made connections between cultural and artistic movements during the early 20th century to create informational and artistic objects to help viewers visualize parallels between the two pandemics.

AH2300 Students

Chad Bostwick, Sarabi Beusing, Sean Drost, Taylor-Friskey Young, Brianna Gouge, Hailey Huddleston, Annie Khong, Manny Lopez, Tony Mai, Keilani Martinez, Elycia Martinez-Davis, Link Menizmer, Cameron Rankin, Claire Simpson, Emily Wakim, Jordan White